Tuesday, March 14, 2006  

[New fishes!!!]

Subby and I went for our FOCC interview today. We were supposed to go last Friday, but we couldn't make it. As it turns out, the interview was cancelled but the message was not relayed to us in time. Good thing we had the good sense to call the interviewer after waiting for 10 minutes. Anyway, we were "in" and didn't have to go for the interview. Not surprising since the signup rate this year seems pretty bad (compared to last year), judging from the addresses in the To: field of the email they sent us.

Since it was after 6pm and impossible for me to get on my usual bus (it never stops at the NUS bus-stop as it's always fully packed after 6pm), I did my usual routine of going to Clementi to take another bus. Subby went out of his way to accompany me, and before heading for home, we went to the LFS (local fish shop) in Clementi.

I've been planning to buy some rummy nose tetras to add to my fish tank. What normally happens when I go to the LFS is that I normally end up buying more than what I planned to. Today was no different....

While picking out the rummy nose tetras, I saw some gold tetras in the same tank. So I decided to get some as well, since it wasn't often that you see gold tetras in LFSs. Neon and cardinal tetras are the staple...The other tetras are sort of on a "you'll-be-lucky-to-see-them-basis". In the process of catching the fishes I wanted, I got 2 albino tetras as well. Not too sure what breed the albinos originally were, but I'm pretty sure they're not neons, since I already have an albino neon tetra and the 2 new ones look nothing like it (without the half red stripe and blue line). I picked out 8 rummies, 7 golds, and 2 albinos. Here's the kicker: I didn't know how much each fish cost.

As I headed to pay for them, I remembered that I wanted to get some shrimps to see if they'd eat up the algae on my driftwood. They were selling them in packs of 20, costing $4 (or so I thought) each. I decided to get a pack of them.

When I went to pay, I was shocked at the final amount. Ok...So selecting fishes blindly without knowing how much each cost was a bad idea. And to top it off, I misread the price of the shrimps. They cost $14. The "1" was faded due to being floated in the tank.

Here's how my tank looks like now. The picture's not too good. It's taken with my cellphone. The digital camera was with my sister and she's turned in for the night, and I didn't want to disturb her sleep just so I could take a nicer picture. The little bit of grass on the left was from the pack of shrimps. Buy shrimp, get free water plant. Hahaha!

I now have 3 ottos, 6 corys, 31 neon + cardinals (impossible to count them separately since they school together), 8 rummies, 7 gold tetras, 3 albino tetras, 19 red cherry shrimps (one jumped out as I was scooping it out and I couldn't find it on the floor anywhere...maybe it bounced off me and back into the tank?) and several guppies (I never count my guppies...I recognise them by their colour).

Enough about the fishes. I saw a very old convertible today. I'm no car expert, but even I could tell this car was old. Look at the squarish lines. Had a very '70s feel to it. It's a Golf GTI. Hard to imagine a Golf GTI ever looking like this.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:49 PM. 3 comments.
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I have heard that for algae, you can't beat a Plecostomus (if you can stand to look at the ugly things!)
I think the shrimps might be able to hide among those fake(?) plants and drift wood.

Haha, susie, we call those sucker fishes here. Yea, they're ugly but sometimes they tend to stop eating algae once they acquire the taste for fish feed. Locksley fear that the plecostomus might grow too big too fast.
Actually I think that's what happened to my ottos. They no longer seem to be interested in algae. But then again, they always seem to have a bulging stomach, which would suggest they are eating something. Whatever they're eating, I'd never know because I never see them eating anything!

This morning, I realised with shrimp in the tank I have a new housekeeping problem. Lots of them molted in the tank last night, lots of shell pieces all over. I had to suck them out one by one. Anyone knows if they break down? If they do, I'd just leave them alone and let nature take it's course.

There may be 19 or 20 shrimps in there, but I can see only less than 10 at any given time. Hope none of them jumped out or anything...I've had fish jump out of my tank before. Haha!
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