Saturday, February 25, 2006  

[The things people say...]

One of my favourite sections of the local newspaper is the Forum page, where readers write in with their views, 2-cents worth, and sometimes just plain nonsense. I shall comment on 2 letters published today. Names of the letter-writers left out on purpose.

First letter:
Sex video: What's wrong with youths?

What disturbs me in 'Student in sex video: 'We didn't intend to be porn stars' (ST, Feb 24) is the remark by the female student: 'I have done nothing wrong... Everyone does it.'

I've followed the articles about youths these days. They are more exposed to technology and the new age. The problem lies not in the tools of technology but the very basic value system of today's youths.

I am disturbed to know that the value system in youths has not improved. I am not sure if we should blame society, parents, schools or peer pressure for making youths what they are today.

They think in a very different way that's influenced by many factors. I wonder if the youths are equipped to handle the many problems of today's world.

My five-year-old son is able to argue with me issues I find difficult. He said exactly the same thing: 'I have done nothing wrong. Everyone does it.'

I tell him that even if the whole world is rude, he does not have to be. As a Christian, I refer to the Ten Commandments and prick the conscience, mine and his, and explore what is right and wrong.

I tell him that when he does something, he has to think of the consequences and learn about responsibility. I believe I have an important role to equip him for the challenges ahead.

As the book 'Parenting with Love and Logic' by Foster Cline and Jim Fay puts it: 'Children who grow in responsibility also grow in self-esteem - a prerequisite for achievement in the real world. As self-esteem and self-confidence grow, children are better able to make it once the parental ties are cut.

'Let's love them enough to allow them to learn the necessary and crucial skill of responsible thinking and living.'
Nothing's wrong with youths. You, on the other hand, have way too much time on your hands. Just because you're a religious person doesn't mean everyone has to be. Everyone has a right to live their lives the way they see fit, and they can do without holier-than-thou people like you passing judgment on them.
Who pays for service via Malaysian network?

I am a StarHub subscriber and I have a problem faced by all mobile phone owners.

When I was in Pulau Ubin or Changi Village, I had to answer incoming calls and SMS. When I switched on my phone, I noticed 'DIGI' or 'CELCOM' which meant that I was using signals from the Malaysian service provider.

Though I am in Singapore, I am compelled to use the Malaysian service. In such a case, who pays for the service provided by DIGI and CELCOM? If it's me, do I pay the local or overseas rates?

I hope StarHub can enlighten me. How can I avoid using the Malaysian service when I'm in Singapore?
Your problem is NOT faced by all modile phone owners. Only by those dumb enough not to read the manual. Turn off auto network selection, and you're done. Dumbass....

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:49 AM. 3 comments.
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Dont know which blog i read from.. but.... there there was one comment bout this sex incident.. It read.. ".....that is why i did not choose to go to a poly......" wtf sia... No wonder she went to JC haha... but that is not to say those who went to JCs have only one line of thought..... Damn lame lah.. not as if those who went JC dont do premarital sex n stuff....dumb shit..
Actually, the person who wrote the letter reminded me of this church I once passed by. They hung a huge banner outside proclaiming, "homosexuality can be cured!".

I was like...WTF? It's not a disease. That I know of. :P There's a thin line between a believer and just plain nuts.
Stupid can be cured with .5 cal.
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