Thursday, February 02, 2006
[Royal Rumble 2006, part 1/3]
I saw the Royal Rumble a couple of days ago, but didn't have time to upload the screenshots until just now. I had a lot of problems trying to upload pictures onto Blogspot. If you've got a blog on Blogspot, do you encounter these problems? - After clicking "DONE", your pictures don't show up in your Post Editor.
- The above problem tends to happen more if I upload multiple images. It happens less when I upload a single image, one at a time.
- Would the pictures you've upload successfully appear in the Post Editor (the code generated shows up) under "Edit HTML", but when you look at the "Compose" tab, all you see is one red "X"?
- It seems that you have have a maximum of 35 images per post. Beyond that, the image won't show up.
I've written to Blogspot about the problems, no reply till date. Not surprised.
Okay, on to the screenshots. I had to break the post into 2 more parts, because of the 35 images limit per post. I also changed the timestamp so that they'd display in the right order.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:45 PM.
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