Friday, January 20, 2006  

[More guppies!]

Yet another of my guppies gave birth this morning. It's still giving birth, in fact. I saw a fry's head popping out, and quickly snapped some pictures of it.

I seldom see fries out come like that. They usually come out tail first, or curled up in a ball which "snaps" back into their original stream-lined body shape once it leaves their mother's body.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:51 AM. 2 comments.
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i thought fish lay eggs?? :S
Well, yeah. Most fishes lay eggs in order to reproduce.

There is, however, a group of fishes known as livebearers who give birth to their offspring alive. Guppies are one...Swordtails too. I cannot remember the rest.

Livebearers are the easiest fish to breed. Egg layers are much harder. To date, corydoras, black neon tetras and neon/cardinal tetras (I wasn't sure whose eggs that was) have all spawned in my tank, but none of the eggs hatched.
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