Saturday, January 28, 2006  

[Are you a psychopath?]

James Patterson's Mary Mary.
I placed a reservation for James Patterson's Mary Mary in the beginning of December last year. The note from the library finally came yesterday, asking me to go pick up the book. I love this guy's books. Patterson is not like other authors. Many authors spend pages and pages on one scene, describing in detail (sometimes too much) about what's going on. A prime example would be the Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake series. Reading a Patterson book is like watching a movie.

I came across the "psychopath test" in the book, and I'm going to reproduce it here and let you guys have some fun. If you get the answer right, you're supposed to have the mind of a psychopath. So if I know you in real life and you got the answer right, please let me know so that I can watch my back, okay?

Here's the story. At her mother's funeral, a woman met this guy and fell instantly in love. But she never got his name, number, or anything about him. A few days later, the woman killed her sister. Why?

Answer (highlight the text with your mouse): ...because she hoped that the guy she liked would appear at the funeral.

So, are you a psychopath?

^^^ by Locksley @ 7:11 PM. 3 comments.
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I've heard that one before. It's quite old. If you want to see how TRUE psychopaths operate, just watch Discovery Channel's Crime Night. lol
power. I thought the sis like the guy or something.
BQ: I thought the same thing as you! Haha! Good thing we're both not psychopaths.
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