Tuesday, January 03, 2006  

[Albino Neon Tetras!]

About 2 weeks ago, I went to my friend's place for a BBQ. I was looking through the fish tanks in his house (his Dad has 5 of them if I remember correctly) when I noticed an albino neon tetra in one of his tanks. I went to the fish shop near my place today, and saw a tank full of albino neon tetras! I bought 4 of them, and the picture above was taken as I was floating them in my tank. You can see 3 of them fairly easily, but the last one was close to the surface of the water and it's a bit hard to see it. Anyway, the ones I bought were quite different from the ones my friend had. The ones I bought had a half-red stripe like regular neon tetras. The one in my friend's tank did not have that. Because of the red stripe, I actually mistook them for albino cardinal tetras...I only realised the stripes go halfway when I got home.

Just to compare, regular cardinal and neon tetras are below. The biggest difference between the 2 and the red stripe beneath the bright blue stripe. Neons have a half-red stripe with a white belly, while cardinals have a full-red stripe. Cardinal tetras are easily the brightest and most colourful tropical fishes, and it's nice to have a huge tank full of them. They look like blue diamonds swimming about.

Since I had my camera out anyway, I took a few more pictures. This is a rare photo of an otto catfish. Why is it rare? Because it's usually hiding under or behind the driftwood in my tank. I bought them to control the algae in my tank...But after they had a taste of the flake foods I fed my fishes, they don't seem to be very interested in algae anymore....

These 2 guppies are suffering from tail rot. I put them in a smaller tank and dosed the water with anti-fungus water treatment. The lighter blue one has been fighting the tail rot for quite a while now.

You can see the tattered ends of it's tail.

This darker blue/black one was fine last night. When I saw it this morning...Well, you can see the problem. Huge chunks of it's tail had rotted away.

^^^ by Locksley @ 1:50 PM. 0 comments.
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