Thursday, December 15, 2005
[In a blue funk...]
Lately, I've been in a funk. I don't feel like doing anything, and just sits around playing Xbox, watching movies or going running once in a while. I came up with a list of things to do during the school break, and I'm nowhere near completing any of them.
I usually go through a spell of...depression during the holidays. No...Depression is not the right word. I don't think it's quite that serious. But I am definitely in some sort of "zone" here, and it's not one to remain in.
Let's see...What are the things I need to accomplish before school re-opens:
- Refresh my knowledge of creating/working with SQL databases.
- Learn ASP.Net for web applications.
- Learn J2EE for web applications (lots of luck).
- Throw out my old notes, pack my cupboard to make room for next semester's books/notes.
- Train up and pass my IPPT before school starts (this is quite hopeless).
Not a lot of things to be honest. But I keep putting them off.
I wonder why.
^^^ by Locksley @ 9:46 AM.
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