Saturday, December 03, 2005  

[Fifa 2006]

Anyone else out there playing this? I'm playing on Xbox, and I have a problem.

I am currently managing Manchester United, and the problem is that the players' salaries per match is simply way too high! I've picked the sponsor with the highest per-match contribution, and even so, I was unable to cover everyone's salaries during away games, and make only about 700 credits during home games with the highest ticket prices. I've tried to renew everyone's contract and bring down their salaries (some players were paid 400+ credits a match!), but I've run out of money for renewing contracts.

Are there any ways to make more credits or bring down the players' salaries quickly? This is insane...My budget goes from negative to positive, to negative, back to positive....I was "richer" when I was managing Wigan!

^^^ by Locksley @ 1:01 PM. 2 comments.
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In Football Manager 2006, if you manage Man Utd, your account starts in the red. You continue to owe the chairman money til god-knows-when. It's the Glazer take over I tell you.
Do what the real owners do.

Write off the depleated value of the players over 5 years on your taxes.

Now you have enough to buy a stout.
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