Thursday, November 17, 2005
[Time is running out...]
At this time of writing, I have about 4 days and 2 hours before my exams begin. I need to revise for a total of 3 modules (I have a 5-day break before I take my 4th and last paper, so not starting revision for that module yet), and so far I've only managed to finish one of them (my Marketing module). I tried the past year papers last night, and I did quite a lot of them wrongly. Crap....And the sample essay questions...I don't even know how to start answering some of them.
Preparing my cheat sheet for my MNO module. We're allowed 4 pieces of notes, I'm still on the first chapter and I've already used up half a page. This does not bode well....
^^^ by Locksley @ 3:06 PM.
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