Saturday, October 22, 2005  

[Taking stock...]

I was flipping through my organiser earlier, to see what are the things I need to do this weekend. I think it's safe to say that it's my most action-packed weekend ever...
  1. Consolidate CS3255 project report & prepare PPT slides.
  2. Come up with CS3235 client program UI code.
  3. Write a 2000-word essay for my GEM.
  4. MNO1001 Teamwork Analysis.
  5. MKT1003 Peer Review.
  6. MkT1003 tutorial & MNO1001 one-pager.
  7. Study for CS3235 quiz.

It's 4pm now, and I got a SMS asking me to go out. Aragh....How I wish I had some flunky to do all the work for me....I NEED TO TAKE A BREAK!!!

And Man United had better win tonight......

^^^ by Locksley @ 3:55 PM. 0 comments.
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