Monday, October 17, 2005  

[One good grade...]

I took Film & History as my GEM this semester. In this module, we watch movies and then write an essay about the issues raised in/about the movie. The questions are usually never straightforward, and requires some further understanding.

We've written 3 essays so far. For my first and second essays, I got a 60% grade (most ppl end up here) for them both. Today we got back our third essay. I got a 75% grade for it, which was amazing, since only 2% of the cohort (9 students out of 459) got this score. Granted, 4% of the cohort (17 students) got a 80% grade, so 75% is not really anything to crow about.

Still, it was a good grade for me.

Hee hee.... :)

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:26 PM. 0 comments.
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