Tuesday, October 25, 2005  

[More adventures on public transport...]

You get to see all sorts of people on public transport. The good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Unfortunately, it's usually the bad and ugly that make it to my blog.

The picture above was taken on the bus on my way to school today. The red arrows are pointing at the lead actor and actress. The man on the right (with the waist pouch) was actually walking with a crutch, but you can't see it because he's holding it on his right side. He hobbled onto the bus, and no one offered him a seat. You think that's bad? Guess what...The woman on the left seated on the outer seat has her stuff on the window seat. Such people really piss me off. I mean, if there wasn't anyone standing at all on the bus, fine, go ahead and lay claim to the seat next to you, start nesting for all I care. But in a situation as shown above, it's just...Uncivilized.

Ok...This dude. I sat next to him. Nothing wrong with him really, except that his breath stinks. He wasn't even talking to me, just on his handphone and already I was exposed to his brand of aromatherapy. Talk about a piledriver up your nose...

This woman above, was captured on my way back from school. Her crime? Fare cheat. Yeaps. She got on the bus at Hillview, and sat next to me. She reached out and tapped her card at the next bus stop. She alighted in Bukit Panjang, one stop before me. Yes, she's a fare cheat. And no, she's not using a senior citizen's farecard where they would enjoy a flat rate anyway at that time of the day. Her card beeped once, so it's a normal card. Concession cards beep twice. I know, because I'm using one.

Oh, and she *really* needed to take a shower.

^^^ by Locksley @ 6:20 PM. 0 comments.
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