Saturday, October 08, 2005  

[Getting your point across...]

I download my weekly wrestling fix from this BT tracker...Which requires registration. I was lucky enough to get on board when the user quotas were still low. The owners only wanted a certain amount of people on the tracker, and once the quota was reached, no new users could sign up.

I got this message in my Inbox on the website today:

Invite system is now in place. All power users and higher have 3 invites now. To get invites you need to become a power user. Once you become a power user you will automatically get 3 invites. Please remember to only invite people you trust. If you invite bad people we will know who invited them. Hope you all enjoy the new updates so far and remember to keep watching as more is likely to happen.

The admin really really wanted people to know that you only get 3 invites if you're a power user.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:51 AM. 0 comments.
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