Monday, October 17, 2005  

[The end is near...]

As it turns out, I was right. My guppy really did have dropsy. It's caused by bacterial in the fish's stomach. The fish's stomach will swell until all the scales protrude out from the fish's body. It can be seen in the photo above that the scales are already starting to protrude. By this stage, there is no cure. The fish would most likely die. In fact, even if diagnosed early, it's also difficult to save the fish. I think I must have lost like....50 guppies to dropsy thus far. It's pretty scary to see a fish with all it's scales protruding, believe me. The guppy above has scales protruding only from it's stomach area. In the final stage, ALL the scales will protrude. That's just scary.

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:05 PM. 0 comments.
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