Wednesday, September 21, 2005  

[When life gives you lemons...]

...make lemonade.

When the going gets tough, the tough drinks lemonade.

This week's the semester break. Well, not really a break when you consider all the outstanding projects we're all working on as well as the amount of school work to catch up on. It's the halfway point of the semester, and I guess it's time to take stock of how it's been.

So far, it's going more or less okay for me in school. It's a struggle to keep on top of things though...Many a times I just feel like forgetting about school and piss my time away.

Things on another front aren't going as well as I've hope though. Oh well....Radio silence for a while now. Reminds me of the Space Mountain ride in Disneyland...You're in an enclosed space and doesn't know which way the roller-coaster's going to go. Yeah, that's how I feel now. Just at a slower speed.

Welcome to my life.

^^^ by Locksley @ 7:55 PM. 0 comments.
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