Monday, September 12, 2005
[Slow And Fucked-up...]
When I secured my modules about 7 weeks ago, I realised I have an exam during my ops manning week at the end of the year. I immediately called to figure out how to be excused from it.
The first time I called, this 2LT answered the phone and asked me to send my request in writing to the brigade S3. I thought that was pretty weird...Since when did the S3 take care of such trivial matters?
I didn't hear about it for one month after mailing it. I called. This time, a corporal from S1 branch picked up the phone. It seems that I should have mailed him instead of the S3. He wasn't forwarded my inital letter, so I sent down another copy to him at the end of last month.
It's been 7 weeks since this whole debacle began, and I'm still waiting for an answer. I called the unit again just now, asking for that corporal from S1 branch whom I know by name. He's taking an off day today. He's *always* on off day it seems. The first time I called and the 2LT answered instead because this little corporal was on an off day.
^^^ by Locksley @ 9:55 AM.
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