Friday, August 12, 2005  

[Let's get it started in here...]

There's a chinese funeral at the block next to mine, and for the past few nights, we've been treated to some really loud chanting and last night we even had opera.

I don't want to be distasteful or disrespectful to the dead or anything, but does anyone realise that we chinese are the only race that throws a party when someone passes away? To be fair, it's just the Taoism faith, but whatever. I mean, malays and indians make it a quiet affair. Malays have a party when someone gets married, which is fair as it's a happy occasion. We chinese have a party when someone dies.

And another thing...Anyone notices the "flower girls" at Taoism funerals? There are always like 10-20 of them. They look young, and some of them are actually pretty hot. Has anybody ever wondered what are they doing at funerals and not in school?

^^^ by Locksley @ 2:23 PM. 0 comments.
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