Monday, August 08, 2005
[Back to school...]
Today's the first day of the new semester, and already I can feel the stress coming. From my experience, usually modules in SOC do not have everything planned out in the beginning of the semester. Information about the modules are usually given out slowly, as and when needed. Like project requirements, quiz scope, etc.
But it seems that the modules taught by Business Sch are different, the difference being everything about the module is already made known by week 0. All the project requirements, etc, are already out. Reading them made me feel very stressed out. :( Not to mention this semester there is a good chance that I'd need to fork out over a $100 for textbooks alone.
And to top it all off, I came down with flu yesterday. Not completely recovered yet. I'm supposed to go watch the fireworks tonight with my OG, but I might give it a miss. Wouldn't want to spread my flu or have it come back since I'm still semi-recovered.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:46 AM.
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