Saturday, July 16, 2005  

[Time and tide...]

I had the chance to watch an old WWF (still WWF back then, as can be seen from the logo) PPV, In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede. The main event that night was the 10-men tag match between the Hart Foundation and Austin's team. Of the 10 men who participated in the match, 4 have since passed away. Brian Pillman, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Road Warrior Hawk, in that order. Thanks for the memories.

One of the opening matches featured Triple H before he bulked up, with Chyna by his side. The last time I saw Chyna, she's a lot less man and a lot more woman, and was a porn actress.

This has got to be the funniest of them all...JBL, during his "New Blackjack" days. What a dork. He's the one on the left in both the pictures.

The picture above was captured from the pilot episode of The Comeback, a new series on HBO starring Lisa Kudrow. I "acquired" the episodes because I'm a huge Friends fan, and wanted to see Lisa Kudrow's new show. Never did I expect to see this on the first episode. By the way, this actually did air on TV, and it's not DVD footage because, well the DVD isn't out yet. And if I remember correctly, they said "fuck" 3 times. Progressive, I must say.

^^^ by Locksley @ 2:02 AM. 0 comments.
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