Wednesday, July 27, 2005
[*thump* *thump*]
The results of Round 1B should be out at 9pm, that's a few minutes away. At that time the slots available for each module in Round 1C should be known as well. I'm super nervous....Hope they open up more slots for level 3 and 4 modules.
On a side note, I've got a ton of freshmen contacting me on my MSN the past couple of days. I honestly don't know how they got my MSN...I know it's on my TagBoard, but I can't possibly have that many readers on my blog. I can identify with most of them, the sense of being lost and not knowing what to do next.
What I cannot stand are some who obviously did not read any of the FAQs or guides that are available online, and expect to be spoonfed everything from how to bid using CORS and which modules to take. If they've read everything, their questions would be smarter and they would also not be so clueless. I read and learnt almost everything by myself back in Dec/Jan, granted I did pester 2 of my seniors to no end. LOL...
Tsk tsk....
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:55 PM.
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