Friday, June 03, 2005  

[My aching body...]

The last time I did IPPT was almost 1 year ago. So yesterday I tried doing SBJ at home. I did a few jumps, and then went for a jog. I haven't completely recovered from my fever which I got on Monday, so needless to say I was pretty winded. I didn't even complete my usual distance. Had to stop before I passed out. When you have muscle aches, it usually take one night before you really feel the full effects....When you wake up the next day. But yesterday evening, my legs, back and stomach ached like crazy. I guess SBJ, which is about sudden bursts of strength, is very different from running. I can run almost every other day, I recover pretty fast from that.

Went to PC Show with my friend today. Wasn't much to see, although I did see a girl from my course working there at one of the booths. She's in 2 of my modules, and I always tried to sit behind her in the LT. She looked a bit like Jessica Simpson.

We were done in about 1 hour. Talked outside at the food court for about another 2 hours, before I went to Suntec to meet another friend. After dinner, my friend called me from Australia and during our conversation, I ran into a friend from secondary school, whom I haven't seen since graduation, which was 7 years ago. Had to hang up on my friend in Australia and say hi to my school friend.

And erm...I've been suspecting for a while that there's a mosquito in my room. Saw it tonight when I got home. And I just got bitten while typing this. I think I'm gonna go take care of it....

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:51 PM. 0 comments.
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