Tuesday, April 12, 2005  

[Welcome to my life...]

Woke up today at 10am, and did not feel good. Sore throat was back, with running nose and a mild fever.

I struggled to finish whatever portions of CS2250 which I haven't finished the previous night. Not much of whatever I was reading went into my head, but thankfully the test later on is an open-book test, so it's not that bad.

After lunch, took a nap. When my alarm clock rang, I didn't feel like getting up. In the end, had to half-drag half-crawl my way to school. Actually by this time, I wasn't feeling too bad, just the running nose. Sore throat's gone.

On the bus, there's this fat malay sonofabitch in an ITE uniform got on the bus. His face alone warranted a good ass-whopping, and as if that's not enough, he sat sideways on the inner window seat and put his feet on the seat next to him. I mean, seriously, that's just fucked up. At that point I was thinking, ITE student, what can you expect from them? To top it off, he started playing ringtones on his phone. Good God....As if he's overall behaviour wasn't irritating enough, he has to make himself a nuisance as well.

I got off at my stop, and went to the test venue. The test wasn't too hard, the hard part was finishing the test in time. There were 12 short-ans questions, and we had only 1 hour to do it in. That works out to be 5 minutes per question. I'm glad to say that I managed to finish it, but I didn't get to write everything I had wanted to write.

Made a new friend on my way back. He's actually my friend's friend....We were seated at the same table earlier before the test. As it turns out, he has the same name as one of my poly friends. Same surname too. Haha....What a coincidence.

On the bus back home, I stood at the round rotating thing on the bendy bus. If you know what it is, you know. If you don't, you'll never know. So I won't spend time explaining it here. Anyway, standing across me was the sweetest girl I've ever seen. She's an ITE student also, but nothing like that fat malay bodoh earlier. From her conversation with her schoolmate I heard that she's studying IT, which I had guessed since she was holding a VB book in her hands. I tried to take a picture of her, but couldn't because the stupid hand pole was in the way. Anyway I think she noticed what I was trying to do so I stopped trying.

At a later stop, another group of ITE students got up. 4 girls, and they stood inbetween me and the original ITE girl. This "Gang of 4" was loud and crude, posing a very stark contrast to the original girl. This exchange of words took place when one of the girls alighted:

Girl A: Bye! Don't fall in the drain! No one will help you up!
Girl B: CB lah!
Girl A: CB I got!

I've never heard anything like this, out of the mouth of a member of the female species. Phew....

Anyway, for those of you who are curious, the first girl alighted in Bukit Batok. From the conversation of her schoolmates later on, it seems that she's meeting a guy. Too bad.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:04 PM. 0 comments.
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