Monday, April 04, 2005  


Whoo hoo!!!

For my networking lab tomorrow, we're supposed to come up with a UDP program in Java that allows file transfer. In other words, we have to come up with an FTP server and client application, using UDP, programmed in Java.

I was totally lost and had no idea how to proceed. Should have done this over the weekend, but the lazy ass that I am, I didn't get started until this evening. I started work at 8pm, and finally finished it about 30 mins ago. It's a simple program, but it took me forever and I have to consult my old Java books, the Java API on Sun, my old lab reports and my dear Java-siao friend. Actually I couldn't have done it without his help.

This feels good. Haven't felt this good for a long time. This was the feeling I got when I was in poly whenever I've finished a project or assignment.

Whoo hoooo!!!!

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:48 PM. 0 comments.
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