Monday, January 17, 2005
[Knock knock...]
Went to school today for just 1 hour of lecture. Hell, it's not even a real lecture. I "attended" the lecture online yesterday. Went for a "class review"....What the hell is that? We're supposed to ask questions and clear up any doubts we may have, isn't that what the tutorials are for?
Lots of people in this module has some beef with regards to how the project is going to be conducted. Understandable, since the project takes up a huge percentage of our final grade. It is refreshing, to be honest....Back in Poly, if there are some unfair expectations of us, few people would speak up. Here in Uni, *everyone* speaks up in under such circumstances. Ok, maybe not *everyone*, but there's no lack of feedback.
Debated with the lecturer over 15 mins on why we should not be doing the project in groups of 20 people (basically the whole tutorial group), but she simply did not see our point. Or did not want to see our point. I don't know. After 5 minutes I knew it was a hopeless case to argue, seeing how stubborn she was.
You'd think that it's pretty easy to tell who's right and who's wrong when hundreds of people object to one person's idea. But no......That one person's still sticking to her guns. Typical, I guess. She's kinda old. Old people are stubborn.
They need to be replaced.
^^^ by Locksley @ 9:58 PM.
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