Friday, December 17, 2004  

[Noisy animals...]

My neighbours upstairs have a dog. I'd like to think of myself as a dog lover, but my neighbours' dog is irritating the crap out of me. It barks non-stop, all day long. Why can't everyone just get a fish (like me)? They're quiet, doesn't bother you, and you just have to feed it twice a day and change it's water once a week. Easiest thing in the world.

Got a letter from CPF today, asking me if I'd like to take up MediShield. I was supposed to mail back the declaration form, telling them that I'm of sound mind and body, blah blah. The usual. I lost quite a lot of confidence in our government when I realised the declaration form could not fit into the envelope provided. I mean, seriously, what the fuck, right? The least you guys could have ensured was that the form could fit into the envelope provided by yourselves.

Got a copy of Pionner in the mail today, the SAF's way of letting everyone know how they wayang. On the mailer, it says that the subscription is taken out of my service pay. Huh? What service pay? They better not be taking my civilian money for the subscription to their wayang magazine. Which reminds me...There is no way to unsubscribe from it. At least not listed on the mailer or in the magazine. What a surprise....Everyone would unsubscribe if given the choice.

On a side note, I flipped through the magazine, and there's this article about some fellas who extended their NS cycles. Get a clue, you dumb fucks.....The whole country's making fun of you, the sane ones are, at least.

^^^ by Locksley @ 7:10 PM. 0 comments.
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