Sunday, December 05, 2004  

[Holy shit...]

I bought 2 more otos this afternoon, with the 2 I already had, I should see 4 otos swimming in my tank.

But, try as I might, I've never seen more than 3 at a time. I kept searching for the elusive one, but I just couldn't find it.

Then it occured to me....What're the chances that when I poured the new otos into the tank, that one grabbed onto the plastic bag and stayed in the bag? I looked through my trash, and there it was. The missing oto.

That's not the most shocking part. The most shocking part was, it was still alive. Jumping around in the now-dry-save-for-some-water-droplets plastic bag. I immediately transferred it into the tank. Looks alright so far....Hope it lives on.

That's about 9 hours it's been out of the water. Talk about the will to live.

^^^ by Locksley @ 1:16 AM. 0 comments.
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