Saturday, November 20, 2004  

[Not again...]

When I was in the Army, foot rot was the norm. Everyone had it at one time or another. Those who cared, would apply medicine as soon as the first signs come out, and all would be fine. Those who didn't cared, could well have bloodied feet as the fungus got worse and worse.

For the 2 years 4 months I was in uniform, I had foot rot quite a couple of times. Most of the times, I caught it in time and it went away after I applied the medicine. I never thought I'd have to use the medicine anymore now that I'm out of uniform. Guess not....One month of working and the foot rot came back, thanks to the lousy pair of shoes I have to wear that made my feet sweat like nobody's business.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:42 AM. 0 comments.
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