Tuesday, May 18, 2004
[Old people are weird...]
Went for an Armskote Management Course today at OETI. Ironic, considering how "old bird" I am already. The instructors there basically old foggies who wouldn't listen to your opinions. There's only one way, and it was their way. Fancy sitting there listening to them teach you about a weapon you've been using day in day out for 2 years, and telling you that you're doing it wrong.
COS duty tomorrow. Going back later tonight. Booked in last night too, for the tonner leaving for OETI was at 6:30am. Also, Szeying from IDA called yesterday, told me that I've been shortlisted for an interview by Oracle. The interview is gonna to be held tomorrow, on the day of my COS duty. I had to ask a friend to come take over for a few hours while I'm away. It wasn't easy, as most of the corporals are going outfield.
And to think my COS duty was actually on Friday.....Shouldn't have switched to Wednesday. :\
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:09 PM.
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