Saturday, March 27, 2004
[The most irritating people on Earth...]
My father's watching some news programme about the elections in Taiwan, people were in the streets listening to this old guy talk. From the 20 minutes the programme was on air, I deduced that Taiwanese people are the most irritating people on Earth. It didn't help when I was adding the tag board and couldn't fix this silly bug. It's fixed now though.
First up, the old guy who's giving the speech. He can't complete a sentence in one breath. He says 2 words, pause, says 2 words, pause....The cycle goes on. Will somebody slap the dentures out of that bloody fool?
Second, the audience. Oh should I say, mind-numbing fucks with no social...Heck, with no lives? Don't you guys have anything better to do than to stand in the street blocking traffic and listening to rallies? And that's not all, everytime the old guy stops for more than 2 seconds, they sound their air-horns. Oh, everyone, look at me, I have an air-horn...**HONK**.....
Lastly, the idiot chant-starter. Enuff said.
^^^ by Locksley @ 5:22 PM.
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