Saturday, January 31, 2004
[Another week...]
My eyelids are pretty heavy as I type this. After this, I'm probably gonna go take a nap. Today we concluded our FIBUA training. Was not as fun as I thought. The first 2 days' training was more like acting. We rehearsed what we're supposed to do a couple of times, before the "director" shouted "ACTION" for the actual take. Haha! Whatever...
Got my XBox from SCV. Yeah baby!! :) Of course, I know nothing about it. Need to modify it, get another controller, and figure out how to burn DVDs downloaded from the Net.
2 of my tetras died. :( I'm trying to get my guppies to mate. Hope that goes well...Then I'd never have to buy guppies ever again.
^^^ by Locksley @ 4:33 PM.
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